Fairy Garden
September 2, 2019 3:42 pm Leave your thoughtsLadies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to our show!
Josie and Debbie Fleur will present ‘The Fairy Garden’
The Fairy House
The Fairy House was made a few years ago and it’s looking a little tired. The builders are due to return at some point, to carry out some renovations, including a new front door.
There is a ‘sheltered seating area’ with a backdrop of tall grasses to the right of the Fairy House with its own solar lighting. (Apologies for the bucket, the gardeners were still busy working)
Fragrant path of Bay leaves
The path passes a mixed Flower Border with purple flowers and yellow foliage, (a lovely colour combination)
The path continues on to a….
Fairy Swimming Pool
The leafy surround means a fairy can keep her feet clean.
The path also leads to a ….
Secret Tee Pee
A place for a fairy and her friends to meet and perform their magical dances.
Bay Arches
The path is covered with a series of Bay arches, each flanked with purple flowers, for a fairy to skip along. (Demonstrated here by Josie.)
The arches join a …
Wattle Fence
The wattle fence is constructed of strong Bay stem uprights and expertly woven by master weaver, Josie, using fragrant Oregano stems.
The fence in turn joins a…
Three sides of the far end of the garden are surrounded with a lovely Bay hedge containing some mature trees.
Bird Feeder
The berries are from a Pyracantha bush. Caution was exercised when picking them to avoid the thorns. They are not particularly poisonous but should not be eaten by humans but they are loved by birds and fairies.
Digging Area
Everyone needs an area to dig, even fairies. (Being indicated here by Josie.) Some tools have been left out for a Fairy in need of a digging session.