Blog, Garden Design

Garden Speaker Services

September 4, 2018 10:38 am Leave your thoughts


Are you looking for a Garden Speaker for your Garden Club, Horticultural Society, WI or other groups?

Look no further!


I offer talks to groups with an interest in gardening within  Lincolnshire and surrounding counties.


I can currently offer the following:

Design Inspiration – A walk through the design process to inspire your own garden projects.

The Garden in Winter – How to  create interest in the garden during the winter months.

Gardening with Wildlife in Mind – How our gardening choices affect wildlife. The benefits of Inviting them in.



Needn’t Cost the Earth – Economical and Ecological ideas to use in the garden.



A Light Hearted look at Latin – A bit of History, a bit of Botany and a bit of Fun.

The Challenges of Chelsea – What it takes to exhibit at the most prestigious garden show in the world.


New talk added for 2023:


There’s a Herb for that! – Common and unusual herbs and their many uses.  There will be plants to purchase.


All talks are accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation.

‘Wreath Making for the Gardener’  is something I am now offering at the request of various members of different garden groups.  This is a practical demonstration rather than a slide presentation.  I will include plants that can easily be grown in the average domestic garden or foraged for locally.  As I have experience in making wreaths on a commercial scale I can demonstrate quick and easy ways to construct them without the need for floristry skills.


I ask £120 for my services but this is negotiable as I do appreciate that small groups may have limited budgets. I charge 45p per mile for distances over 10 miles where appropriate.


I have been asked to return to a number of groups to speak on more than one occasion.  These include Bourne Gardening Club, Ladies groups in Lincolnshire and Warwickshire, Royal Leamington Spa Horticultural Society, Corby Glen and District Horticultural Society and Morton WI to name but a few.


“Debbie has visited our Garden Club in Bourne on two occasions.  Her talks and supporting illustrations have been excellent and she maintained the audiences interest throughout with a confident, clear an interesting narrative.  Her love of gardening, wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm for her chosen profession was obvious.  She delivered both of her presentations with style and humour.  I am sure our members will be pleased to welcome her again in the future.”

Stella Roe

“Morton WI would like to recommend Debbie Cooke for her wide knowledge and speaking ability on the subject of gardening. She gave a presentation to our group which was informative and interesting, so much so that we have invited her to give another talk.”

Tina Barnatt

“Your talks are always so interesting and full of humour and are relevant for gardeners and non-gardeners alike.  You are truly an inspiring woman!”

Marlis Emery


I appreciate that groups are looking for speakers well in advance, I accept this as the norm.

I am often booked as far as 18 months ahead.

I can however fit in the odd talks at short- ish notice if needs be.


Thank you for taking the time to read this.

I hope that you found it useful.


Please get in touch if you would like me to inspire you and your group!


Very best wishes and Happy Gardening.


To follow me on facebook click the link below:
Debbie Cooke – Creative Garden Design
Or tweet Debbie_CookeCGD
Mobile: 07870 603953

Hours of Business are Monday to Thursday 09:00-17:30  Friday 09:00-13:00  Saturday & Sunday by appointment only

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